Guardians of The Griffons Club
Guardians of The Griffons are searching for new recruits!
Please help us save more Griffons by making a regular donation of £2 per month. By paying for foster places, we can rescue those Griffons abandoned by hunters in Perreras/Pounds or as strays from a desperate life on the streets
Once safe in foster, we can have their health checked, and get the dogs vaccinated, blood tested and neutered. Then we can begin to look for their forever homes.
Please join our group for less than the price of a coffee every month! You can set up a monthly donation or single payments via PayPal or BACS:
To donate via PayPal
Click on the buttons below to pay in either £ or €. Please choose 'Friends and family'
To donate via BACS​
For donations in £:
Account no: 28320237
UK sort code: 23-14-70
Account holder: Willem Jozef Hendrik Maria Bremen
For donations in €:
Bank account no.: NL 79 INGB 0650 5743 97
Account holder: W. J. H. M. Bremen KERKRADE NEDERLAND